Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cooking with Bella

Bella managed to cook some banana muffins...
and not cook them to a frizzle like my first attempt
with the bread and butter pudding...
I think we will work things out just nicely and get it just right in the end...

The salad is a mix of things from the garden...
Our own lettuce, carrots and coriander...
I really can't wait until all the other vegetables are ready...
then no more shopping at the supermarket for these things...


  1. Hmmm, lunch, a light dinner perhaps?

    Remember, if there's not enough for everyone, you shouldn't post pics! LOL!

    Have a good evening.

    Renee, spear401

  2. hooray for Bella! and you too:)

  3. Hi, just found your blog and thought I would say Hello xxx Rachel xxx


Thanks for "Loving The Vintage" as much as I do...